
See the skinmesh example for a complete example.

Animation assets

To work with animations, you will need some animation clips. A good way to get started is by going to Mixamo and downloading some characters and animations.

In the assets folder of your package, place your models and animations. Additionally, in the same folder, make sure you have a pipeline.toml which can process models and animations:

type = "Models"

Finding the clip URLs

The ambient build command will build the assets. You can browse the build/assets folder to see what was produced by the command.

As an example:

  • The skinmesh example has an animation called assets/Capoeira.fbx.
  • The build process will produce build/ambient_example_skinmesh/assets/Capoeira.fbx/animations/
  • The animation clip URL is this path after assets/: Capoeira.fbx/animations/

In the following examples, it is assumed that you have imported assets from a package, like so:

fn main() {
use packages::ambient_example_skinmesh::assets;

Animation player

An AnimationPlayerRef is used to play animations. The player executes a graph of animation nodes; at present, the two nodes that exist are PlayClipFromUrlNodeRef and BlendNodeRef.

Here’s an example of how to set up a graph and play it for a single animation:

fn main() {
let clip = PlayClipFromUrlNodeRef::new(
let player = AnimationPlayerRef::new(&clip);

// Let's load a character model to apply the animation to.
    .with(prefab_from_url(), assets::url("Peasant Man.fbx"))
    .with(apply_animation_player(), player.0)

The same animation player can be attached to multiple models.

Blending animations together

A BlendNodeRef can be used to blend two animations together:

fn main() {
let capoeira = PlayClipFromUrlNodeRef::new(
let robot = PlayClipFromUrlNodeRef::new(
    assets::url("Robot Hip Hop Dance.fbx/animations/")
let blend = BlendNodeRef::new(&capoeira, &robot, 0.3);
let anim_player = AnimationPlayerRef::new(&blend);

This will blend capoeira (30%) and robot (70%) together to form one output animation.

Masked blending

A common use case for blending is to blend two animations together for different parts of the body; this is achieved using masking. Here’s an example of how to blend two animations together for the upper and lower body:

fn main() {
let capoeira = PlayClipFromUrlNodeRef::new(
let robot = PlayClipFromUrlNodeRef::new(
    assets::url("Robot Hip Hop Dance.fbx/animations/")

let blend = BlendNodeRef::new(&capoeira, &robot, 0.0);

let anim_player = AnimationPlayerRef::new(&blend);

This will play the capoeira at the upper body, and the robot dance for the lower body. The set_mask_humanoid_lower_body and set_mask_humanoid_upper_body functions are convenience functions for setting the mask for the upper and lower body.

The blend node’s weight is still relevant when used with masking, but can also be set per-bone using the mask. Setting BlendNodeRef::new(&capoeira, &robot, 0.3) and then blend.set_mask_humanoid_lower_body(0.9) will play all nodes in the capoeira animation at 30%, except for the lower body, which will play it at 90%. If no mask is set, the weight is used for all bones.

Attaching entities to a skeleton

Entities can be attached to bones on a skeleton. This is done by adding a parent component to the entity that points to the bone to be attached to. The entity should also have a local_to_parent component, which will be the transformation of the entity relative to the bone. For more information, see the documentation on hierarchies.

fn main() {
let left_foot = animation::get_bone_by_bind_id(unit_id, &BindId::LeftFoot).unwrap();
let ball = Entity::new()
    .with(parent(), left_foot)
    .with(local_to_parent(), Default::default())
    // Without reset_scale, the ball would take the scale of the
    // bone we're attaching it to
    .with(reset_scale(), ())
entity::add_child(left_foot, ball);

This will spawn a ball and attach it to the left foot of the character.

Pre-loading animations

Animations can be pre-loaded by creating a PlayClipFromUrlNodeRef node and waiting for it to load:

fn main() {
let capoeira = PlayClipFromUrlNodeRef::new(

The clip will remain loaded as long as the object survives.


It is possible to play an animation that was made for one character on another character. Retargeting may be necessary to remap the animation from the original character’s skeleton to your target character’s skeleton.

To do this, PlayClipFromUrlNodeRef::set_retargeting can be used to configure the retargeting for a given clip. Additionally, PlayClipFromUrlNodeRef::apply_base_pose may be necessary to change the origin of the animation for correctness.

If you’re using Mixamo for animations, you can do retargeting through Mixamo itself to get the best results.

Animation nodes lifetimes and ownership

The animation player and nodes all live in the ECS. The AnimationPlayerRef, PlayClipFromUrlNodeRef and other nodes are wrappers around an EntityId. You are responsible for despawning them when you’re done with them, by calling .despawn(), which will remove the node and all the children.