
Ambient has basic audio functionality on native including sound playback, panning and volume control. Audio is not yet supported on the web, but will be implemented in the near-future.

3D audio with HRTF is also included but is considered highly experimental.

The API described here is highly subject to change, and will likely be completely redesigned in the future.


To use audio, you need to put the audio files into the assets folder, and then edit the pipeline.toml.

Check the assets folder in the physics example to see how this is done.

Audio should be loaded and played in clientside WASM/ (the API is not supported on the server). Messages can be used by the server to tell the client to play a sound effect.

Examples with audio

  • ./guest/rust/examples/basics/physics (spatial audio)
  • ./guest/rust/examples/ui/audio_ctrl
  • ./guest/rust/packages/games/music_sequencer

The general idea is that in the ECS system, you can create an audio::AudioPlayer or audio::SpatialAudioPlayer. You can set the property of these players with methods such as set_amplitude. Then you can use the player to play a sound assets. This will actually return an EntityId.

By add_component to the entity, you can control the playing sound as well. The audio_ctrl example shows the details. When the sound playing finishes, the entity will automatically despawn. To stop a playing sound in advance, see the audio_ctrl example.

pub fn main() {
    let player = audio::AudioPlayer::new();
    let playing_sound ="sound.ogg"));
    entity::add_component(playing_sound, amplitude(), 0.1);

Deciding whether to convert audio formats

Currently, we support wav, mp3, and ogg audio file formats. If you use an mp3 format, it will be converted to ogg during the build process. However, you can use either “.mp3” or “.ogg” in the assets::url function.

In some cases, you may want to explicitly control whether the audio is converted in order to save space or maintain the best audio quality. This is particularly relevant for wav files, which are large when unconverted but offer lossless playback. You can manage this setting in the pipeline.toml file.

type = "Audio"
convert = true

If you convert a wav file, then you need to use .ogg in assets::url. If the convert entry is missing, the default behaviour is no conversion.

Debug (spatial) audio

In some cases, e.g. an FPS game, you want to test how one client’s movement sounds to the other client. Then use --mute-audio flag with ambient cli. For example:

ambient run --mute-audio

This will mute the client opened with this command while the rest clients won’t be influenced.