
Ambient supports message passing between client and server, and from package to package. Message types are defined in the ambient.toml (see the reference); these types can then be subscribed to and sent as needed.

Subscribing to messages

Use the MessageName::subscribe method to subscribe to messages. This method is part of the ModuleMessage and RuntimeMessage traits, and has a slightly different syntax depending on whether you are subscribing to a module or runtime message.

Dispatching a message

Construct the message (a struct) and send it using one of the appropriate methods for your class of message. As an example, to send a package-defined MyMessage to all local packages (i.e. packages on “this side”):

fn main() {
MyMessage { some_field: 4. }.send_local_broadcast();

Defining new messages

New messages can be defined in ambient.toml:

fields = { some_field = "F32" }

Read more in the package documentation.

Using messages from other packages

Add a dependency to your package manifest, pointing to the other package. It will then be available to your package to use underneath the packages module; there is no difference in use between a message defined in your package and one defined in another package.

Of note is that you can get the entity representing a package using the entity function defined for all packages (i.e. packages::my_dependency::entity()); messages can then be sent to that entity, ensuring that only it will handle the message.